Sunday, May 09, 2010

One year??!

In T-minus one year, I will be finished with my PhD and heading back to the clinical side of things.  I got to thinking about this at a BBQ tonight at a collaborator/thesis committee member's house.  Several of us graduate students were shooting the research-shit -- how many papers, how long will it take, how little we know.

I will have my PhD in one year's time, but do I really have the mind of a scientist?  At this point, I can't help but think how woefully inept I am at planning, executing, analyzing, and proposing scientific studies.  Though I've come leaps and bounds about how to think about science (so much of it seems like OBVIOUS common sense, so much else of it seems uncertain and difficult to grasp), I still feel as though I don't know shit.  Maybe that means I actually am on the path, and that I've made much progress.  Perhaps; time will tell.