Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Business and Medicine collide

And the results aren't so pretty. But to ignore the trends in medicine and the economics of being a physician is to be on the sidelines. We will all have to be active and informed participants in the arena of medicine and business in the future. Now's as good a time as ever to understand the issues.

(The Groopman/Hartzband piece is here. You need to be at university or other location that has an NEJM subscription to read it.)

Friday, July 03, 2009

brownian motion

I didn't know what to say when I was asked for advice during revisit weekend. I could've told the prospectives which books to buy, what lectures to skip or attend, how to approach PBL, or why you should selectively listen to your classmates and professors. While tiny nuggets of wisdom may have emerged from my mountainous rant, I decided that my advice was specific to my experiences and it wasn't fair to project my MS1 onto the listening. I couldn't provide an answer.

I cannot lie: I inundated Chuck C with a myriad of questions before I matriculated. Most were petty, some were practical, all were motivated by uncertainty. I didn't know what to expect then, and I don't know what to expect now. But I'm not worried. With time, a lot of questions have been addressed, as I have navigated my way through the first year of the MSTP. I tried to express this vague sentiment – intentionally omitting examples – to the revisit-ers. “Just go with the flow” was the gist of my answer. I imagined they were unsatisfied. At least I told them the truth.

I've been lazy

It's been a while since I last posted. I'll be honest: I've been lazy. I have a resolution, though, and that involves a series of posts, snapshots of moments or ideas that have rattled around my skull for some time. Let the regurgitation begin.