Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Business and Medicine collide

And the results aren't so pretty. But to ignore the trends in medicine and the economics of being a physician is to be on the sidelines. We will all have to be active and informed participants in the arena of medicine and business in the future. Now's as good a time as ever to understand the issues.

(The Groopman/Hartzband piece is here. You need to be at university or other location that has an NEJM subscription to read it.)

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit, I do find both pieces to be rather shallow in their analysis. Both hint at problems (without providing more than a few controlled studies' worth of data), and the solutions are vaguely presented, as in the end of Groopman/Hartzband. Perhaps the inadequacy of both short pieces speaks to the problem science and medicine have of articulating and fully analyzing a problem. In any event, the reading is still worthwhile, but like any area of science, there is great danger of sliding into dogmatic crevasses. We need to constantly question and probe the issue.
